Network of HelpAge Partners in Bangladesh (NHPB)

Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine.

Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine (BAAIGM), popularly known as Probhin Hitoishi Sangha, is a voluntary, non-profit NGO established in 1960. It is the oldest and largest NGO working in Bangladesh to help and improve life for older people throughout the country, focusing specifically on maintaining physical and mental health. BAAIGM studies the health and socio-economic circumstances of older people, and communicates this to communities and policy makers. It organises courses and training on ageing, and builds older people’s skills to help them generate income and find employment.

BAAIGM became a HelpAge global network member in 2017.

The Major Programs of BAAIGM








Study the socio-economic and health situation challenges and needs of OPs.

Maintain and manage the Institute of Geriatric Medicine.

Establish, manage and promote day-care centres, old-age home and domiciliary care services.

Organize training activities on ageing issues and promote family and community based care and services.

Print, publish, procure and circulate periodicals, posters, pamphlets, books, journals, and reports on ageing issues.

Organize consultation, workshops, seminars, conferences, rallies and to participate in national and international events.

Cooperate and work with GO and NGOs, both national and international, interested to serve OPs.

Organize income generation activities for OPs both in urban and rural areas.

Apply for, receive and manage grant and other forms of assistance conducive to the interests of the Association.

At present, BAAIGM has 54 branchs all over Bangladesh. These branches help extend  health care, income generation  and welfare services for their local older persons. Like the Dhaka HQ branches run their age-care activities in close relation with the local government bodies, NGOs and civil society members. BAAIGM is now ready to render more and better services to the increasing elderly population both in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh.

Addresses of District Branches of Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine (BAAIGM):

  • Sylhet Branch
  • Pabna Branch
  • Moulvibazar Branch
  • Barisal Branch
  • Chittagong Branch
  • Khulna Divisional Branch
  • Rangpur Branch
  • Comilla Branch
  • Mymensingh Branch
  • Manikganj Branch
  • Bagerhat Branch
  • Natore Branch
  • Naogaon Branch
  • Thakurgaon Branch
  • Dinajpur Branch
  • Gazipur Branch
  • Jessore Branch
  • Chuadanga Branch
  • Patuakhali Branch
  • B-Baria Branch
  • Laxmipur Branch
  • Chapainawabganj Branch
  • Bogra Branch
  • Jhenaidah Branch
  • Gopalganj Branch
  • Narayanganj Branch
  • Tangail Branch
  • Kurigram Branch
  • Noakhali Branch
  • Habiganj Branch
  • Pirojpur Branch
  • Narsingdi Branch
  • Gaibandha Branch
  • Kishoreganj Branch
  • Rajbari Branch
  • Feni Branch
  • Barguna Branch