Network of HelpAge Partners in Bangladesh (NHPB)

Challenge Ageism

Everyone, everywhere has the right to freedom, equality and a life lived in dignity. But as we grow older we may face stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination because of our age. This stops us from enjoying our human rights equally with others.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed how widespread and deeply-rooted ageism is in our societies. We saw older people stereotyped as frail, vulnerable and unable to make decisions for themselves. And we saw age limits put on who could access healthcare, or who could leave their homes.

Tools to expose and understand ageism

We believe that strengthening our understanding of how ageism works at different levels in society will help us design more effective strategies to counter it. So, to help campaigners do this, we created:

Exploring Systemic Ageism: A Practical Guide

Several resources to help you campaign for a UN convention on the rights of older people that would trigger legal and social changes, along with better access to services. Check out our Age Equality Report that examines and compares the legal frameworks for prohibiting age discrimination in 12 countries from across the world, analysing them for consistency with international legal standards.

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