Network of HelpAge Partners in Bangladesh (NHPB)

Advance Gender Equality

We strive to ensure that older people of all genders enjoy equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. We envisage a world where individuals, in all their diversity, are treated fairly and without discrimination.When people are embraced equally, they can reach their full potential, benefiting both themselves and society as a whole.

At HelpAge, we are committed to eliminating all forms of gender inequality. Our approach promotes diversity, inclusivity, and respect for human rights, enabling all older people to lead fulfilling and dignified lives.

Challenging the assumption that older people are genderless or asexual is vital to addressing ageism. Gendered processes continue to shape the lives of people in older age, intensifying disadvantages faced by women and potentially disempowering men.

Understanding gender relations and power dynamics throughout life is essential to comprehend the experience of ageing. Whilst it is often older women who have less access to resources, power and opportunities, men’s lives may also be adversely affected by their gender roles in older age.

In line with our 2030 Strategy, we prioritise the well-being, dignity, and voice of older people in their diverse identities. Neglecting gender inequalities poses a risk of perpetuation and exclusion. Therefore, recognising and addressing gender disparities is essential for fostering inclusivity, meeting the needs and rights of all older people, and ensuring that our approach promotes equal opportunities and outcomes.

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