Network of HelpAge Partners in Bangladesh (NHPB)

Network of HelpAge Partners in Bangladesh

Network of HelpAge Partners in Bangladesh (NHPB) is a forum of CSOs to promote well-being, rights, inclusion and voice of Older People. Currently it has 5 members. They are Bangladesh Women Health Coalition (BWHC), Bangladesh Association of Ageing and Institute of Geriatric Medicine (BAAIGM), Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), Resource Integration Center (RIC) and Young Power in Social Action (YPSA).

This platform initiatially supporting by HelpAge International known as a Networking organization and always intends to prioritize empowering Network members. Working with, through and for network members and other change makers is a cornerstone of HelpAge’s strategy and ways of working.

This network is a flexible network keen to work with, through and for all the change makers, duty bearers work to promote and protect rights of older people.