Our mission is to promote the wellbeing and inclusion of older women and men, and reduce poverty and discrimination in later life.
Our vision is a world in which all older people can lead dignified, healthy and secure lives.
Our right to health, to livw independently and to participate in society shpuld be protected and promoted. We all want to be able to stay physically and socially active, to feel connected to our communities and to thrive, whatever our age or cirtumstance.
Choosing how we live and support ourselves as we age is key to living with dignity. The right systems, structures and opportunities have to be in place to for this to become reality.
This includes
Pensions and social protection (against poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion). Decent work that gives a fair income, safe working conditions, equal opportunities and treatment and, enables our personal development.
Seventy-five years ago, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
The Network of HelpAge Partners in Bangladesh (NHPB) participated in the “Asia-Pacific Regional conference on Population
At HelpAge, we envision a world where we are celebrated, empowered, and treated with the dignity we deserve as we grow older. By supporting our work, you can make a profound difference in the lives of older people, enabling us all to age with respect and purpose.
In today’s globalised society, we face unique challenges and vulnerabilities as we get older, such as social isolation, inadequate healthcare, poverty, and abuse. This can lead to marginalisation and exclusion from opportunities. However, at HelpAge, we promote a world which champions the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of older people and their contribution to society.
Through strategic programmes and initiatives, we address the diverse needs of older people, promoting their well-being and social inclusion.
We advocate for the rights and needs of older people, influencing policies and raising awareness. By working with governments, communities, and our worldwide network of partners, we advise on age-friendly policies, healthcare systems, and social protection mechanisms.
Moreover, our organisation focuses on income security for older people. By promoting economic independence, we help break the cycle of poverty and dependency. We support the advocacy of older women who have faced successive barriers to economic independence throughout their lives.
HelpAge fosters intergenerational connectivity and support, creating platforms for older and younger generations to engage and foster understanding. In the face of climate change, we are trying to build joint platforms for people of all ages to work together for a sustainable future.
Supporting us will allow you to join in making a transformative impact. Together, we can create a world where older people are valued, respected, and provided with necessary support to age with dignity and purpose. HelpAge’s work in assisting older people worldwide is an urgent humanitarian responsibility, and a moral obligation to uphold their well-being.